Ed Tittel

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Ed Tittel is a long-time computing industry writer, consultant, and occasional expert witness. He’s the author of over 100 computer trade books, countless articles, and other stuff. For more info, please visit https://edtittel.com.

Published by Ed Tittel

Dealing With Winget Upgrade Issues

- 10 min read-Ed Tittel
Updating and maintaining applications, apps, and API support (like .NET) can get interesting on Windows operating systems. Winget helps tame this constant chore, and handles updates quickly and well. Learn what to do when upgrades fail or other issues occur.

Understand Winget, Microsoft’s Windows Package Manager

- 9 min read-Ed Tittel
Before deploying a Windows image, cleanups applied should include obsolete or unneeded component store elements, Windows drivers, temporary files, and more. Updating and maintaining applications, apps, and API support (like .NET) can get interesting on Windows operating systems. Winget helps tame this ongoing chore and handles most updates quickly and competently. This first article of the winget series reviews winget functions and features.

Building Windows Boot Media

- 9 min read-Ed Tittel
Administrators and power users who maintain Windows PCs need Windows boot media for installation, repair, troubleshooting, and more. This article examines three Microsoft and third-party tools and methods for creating such media: Windows Media Creation Tool (often abbreviated as MCT), Ventoy, and Rufus.

Important Windows Image Cleanup Maneuvers

- 11 min read-Ed Tittel
Any time a Windows image gets updated, including device drivers, it's important to perform certain cleanup tasks. These include removing obsolete or unneeded packages, drivers, temporary and updated files, and more. Here’s how to take care of those things.