The Launch of "Guardians of M365 Governance"

December 23, 2023
2 min read

A pilot of the new TekkiGurus webcast series, "Guardians of Microsoft 365 Governance," took place on December 19, 2023, as a way for the team to test out some of the technical integrations, with plans for an official launch in January 2024. As the first TekkiGurus Learn show, "Guardians of M365 Governance" aims to build and nurture a community interested in the sophisticated governance of Microsoft 365, sharing insights, best practices, and the new features and products. This monthly live stream is dedicated to everything governance within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

 Hosted by myself and fellow M365 Apps & Services MVP Ragnar Heil (@ragnarh), this show promises neutrality and inclusivity, extending an open invitation to experts, competitors, and practitioners alike to join us and share their knowledge with our audience. It will air across multiple social platforms including LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

 In its inaugural session (which we refer to as Episode 0, which you can watch below), Ragnar and I discussed our plans for the show, and featured Erik Ruthruff, Editor-in-Chief at TekkiGurus, alongside interactive elements like surveys and live comments from various social media, enhancing the viewer experience. This interactive approach will continue, with live surveys, demos of new solutions and features, and an invitation to viewers to not only contribute questions and comments using their favorite social tool, but to also occasionally jump onto the stage and join us live on camera.

 Guardians of Microsoft 365 Governance will launch officially on January 17th at 10 am Eastern. For this first episode, we will welcome guests and fellow M365 Apps & Services MVPs David Drever (@DavidMDrever) and Joanne Klein (@JoanneCKlein), known for their expertise in Microsoft 365 compliance, especially around the SharePoint, Syntex, and Purview products. Ragnar and I will ask them about the latest compliance news in the Microsoft ecosystem, and also have them introduce their newly announced webcast, "Compliance Unplugged."

 We're looking forward to kicking off the new year with this new show and look forward to your interaction! Check out the technical preview below to get a taste for the show; and be sure to register for the January launch!

Christian Buckley

Christian Buckley

Christian is a Microsoft Regional Director (RD) and Most Valuable Professional (MVP), an award-winning product marketer, technology evangelist and host of the #CollabTalk podcast and monthly tweetjam series. Christian's 30-year tech career has included Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Evangelist for several leading SharePoint ISVs, and he was part of the Microsoft team that launched the hosted SharePoint platform in Office 365. He has worked with some of the world’s largest technology companies to build and deploy social, collaboration, and supply chain solutions, and he sold his first software startup to Rational Software in 2001. A co-author of books on both SharePoint and software configuration management (SCM), Christian is one of the most widely published names within the Microsoft ecosystem.