Microsoft Teams - Automatic Meeting Recaps and Shared Artifacts

February 28, 2024
2 min read

Some exciting news about an upcoming feature that's bound to make our post-meeting experiences smoother and more efficient. As a Teams aficionado who thrives on seamless collaboration, I couldn't be more excited about this latest development.

So, what's the buzz all about? Well, get ready for automatic meeting recaps and shared artifacts right in our meeting chats! Yes, you heard that right – Microsoft Teams is stepping up its game by automatically generating a recap message in our meeting chats once the session wraps up.

Imagine this: you've just wrapped up a productive meeting, and before you can even think about jotting down notes or recapping the discussion, Teams has already done it for you! This game-changing feature will include handy links to the meeting recap page and all the important artifacts, such as the meeting transcript, recording, files shared during the session, and even collaborative notes and whiteboard sketches if we've used them.

But wait, there's more! For those of us lucky enough to have access to intelligent recap, the benefits are even greater. Alongside the essential meeting artifacts, we'll also receive valuable meeting insights, like a list of speakers, user mentions during the discussion, and even suggested tasks to follow up on. Talk about taking productivity to the next level!


Now, you might be wondering when you can start enjoying these fantastic perks. Well, the rollout is set to kick off in early April 2024 for most users, with completion expected by late April. For our friends in GCC, fear not – you'll get to join the party a little later, with the rollout slated to begin in early May and finish up by mid-May.

The best part? You don't need to lift a finger to prepare for this change. That's right – no action required. Of course, you may want to spread the word to your team and update any relevant documentation to ensure everyone's in the loop.

So there you have it, folks – Microsoft Teams is revolutionizing our post-meeting routine, one automatic recap at a time. Get ready to bid farewell to manual note-taking and hello to effortless collaboration. Here's to a future of streamlined meetings and boosted productivity – courtesy of Teams!

Happy collaborating, Rene Vlieger

Rene Vlieger

Rene Vlieger

As a Microsoft 365 consultant, Microsoft MVP and a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), I spend my days immersed in the world of cloud technology, assisting organizations on their transformative journey. My passion lies in enhancing productivity, fortifying governance, ensuring compliance, bolstering security measures, and fostering seamless adoption of new technologies.

In my role, I strive to be more than just a consultant; I aim to be a catalyst for organizational growth and evolution. By guiding businesses through logical steps, I help them ascend the maturity ladder, ensuring that every technological advancement is not just implemented but embraced wholeheartedly. But my commitment doesn't end there. I believe in the power of sharing knowledge, which is why I invest heavily in training sessions, workshops, and yes, even penning (or typing!) joint blogs. 

My Microsoft 365 knowledge includes Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, OneDrive, Loop, Viva, Purview, Defender, Entra, Outlook, Whiteboard, Copilot, and Forms.